Elliott Business Software |
Actian PSQL database management system (DBMS) offers Elliott Business Software users a cost effective, low maintenance, very stable, and high
performance database engine that works at both the transaction and
relational level. Actian PSQL can be obtained directly from NETcellent System, Inc for use with Elliott Business Software.
Actian PSQL offers enhanced encryption, a unified security
model, a unified database and operating system access control, and
is fully backward compatible with existing applications. PSQL also offers local workstation caching, which will improve the performance
of Elliott Business Software. Furthermore, the ODBC and OLEDB driver
from PSQL will open the Elliott database to the Internet and
make Elliott a true open database application.
To learn more about Actian PSQL database management system, click on the link below.
Learn more about Actian PSQL..
Actian PSQL v13
PSQL v13 is the latest DBMS product offering. This release builds upon the powerful database functions of previous PSQL versions.
Client Reporting Engine
The new reporting engine provides a way to offload report workloads to a separate machine. The 64-bit Client Reporting Engine combines features from the relational engine and client cache engine to enable offloading SQL reporting jobs to reduce the impact on the server engine. The Client Reporting Engine is available as a separate install and it does not require a different license key.
New Btrieve API
PSQL v13 has introduced a new Btrieve interface for C and C++ developers. The Btrieve 2 API offers a simplified, more intuitive alternative for sending the full set of Btrieve calls to the database engine. PSQL developers can make use of the performance and flexibility of the original Btrieve API. The SDK also comes with SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) files for Perl, PHP, and Python, enabling developers familiar with those languages to access Btrieve via the C and C++ libraries. To learn more, see Getting Started with the Btrieve C++ and C API.
Cache Management
PSQL v13 provdes the butil utility with two new command options:
- cache, which preloads pages for a file into cache, returning when either the file is fully cached or the ache is full.
- purge, which flushes all unneeded cached pages or a file. It returns immediaely if the file has open handles.
These two commands are complementary. Their actions apply only to the server engine cache rather than to the cache of any client or reporting engine..
What's new in Actian PSQL v13?
PSQL v13 is the ideal database management system for Elliott Business Software users.
If you have any questions, or need to purchase
Actian PSQL, contact NETcellent System, Inc. at 888-595-3818. You can
also email us at sales@netcellent.com.
reserve the right to discontinue support on any product. We will usually
give advance notification to give users some transition time.